• Opening Hours
  • Mon,Tue, Thu: 9am – 5pm
  • Wed : 10am – 7pm
  • Fri: Closed
  • Selective Sat : 9am – 3pm, closed on statutory holidays
  • Opening Hours
  • Mon,Tue, Thu: 9am – 5pm
  • Wed : 10am – 7pm
  • Fri: Closed
  • Selective Sat : 9am – 3pm, closed on statutory holidays
The dental field is an ever evolving science. As a progressive practice, Rosedale Dental Centre stays at the forefront of new materials and technology while making your visit as pleasant and comfortable as possible. The following are a few examples of the current equipment that Rosedale Dental Centre uses to help provide you with the highest quality dental care:
VELscope Vx to aid in Oral Cancer and other Oral Mucosal Abnormality screenings
VELscope Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment System is a diagnostic medical device that uses natural tissue fluorescence to help enhance visualization of oral mucosal abnormalities. As part of our comprehensive examinations at Rosedale Dental Centre, we recognize the importance of detection, monitoring and treatment of early soft tissue changes in order to achieve more favourable outcomes of lesions that manifest in the oral cavity.
Digital Intraoral Radiographic (X-Ray) Sensors
Rosedale Dental Centre uses digital imaging radiographic sensors to help capture the highest computer generated resolution image of hard tissue changes in the least amount of time. Digital Intraoral Radiography allows for less radiation exposure than conventional film radiographs and more environmentally friendly by lack of chemical processing solutions used. The immediate images projected on the computer screen helps us communicate the dental conditions detected in order for patients to better understand their current oral health. Each of our treatment rooms are equipped for intraoral sensor image capturing to provide better comfort, communication and privacy.
Digital Panoramic Imaging
Digital panoramic radiograph can immediately capture a bird’s eye view of your whole jaw with relatively low radiation exposure. The purpose of panoramic imaging is to screen for impacted wisdom teeth, implant and orthodontic treatment planning, detect potential oral pathologies, and provide a base of reference in case of future changes to your dental anatomy.
Intraoral camera
Rosedale Dental Centre uses an Intra-Oral Camera to show you on the television/ computer screen of how your teeth currently look when zoomed up close. This small camera is able to capture detail within the oral cavity and project it on a large screen for better visualization. This will enhance your understanding of why a certain treatment is rendered through visual references. Patient communication and mutual understanding of your treatment options prior to treatment consent is our philosophy to long term trust and growth with each other.
Phillips Zoom Ultimate Protocol Professional In Office Teeth Whitening or Dental Bleaching System
Our dental team is trained and certified to be Phillips Zoom WhiteSpeed provider. Phillips Zoom Teeth Whitening technology provides the ability to whiten your teeth in about an hour. A patented blue LED light along with 3-4 15 minute teeth exposure to Zoom whitening/bleaching gel with pH booster will help brighten your smile within the convenience of only one dental visit.